Voltes V is a Japanese anime television series that was first aired on TV Asahi starting April 6, 1977. It was created by Tadao Nagahama as the second part of his Robot Romance Trilogy , of the Super Robot genre. Conceived as a second part/remake of its predecessor Combattler V, was released Italy, Spain, and The Philippines, dubbed in their respective languages except initially in the Philippines, where the first airing, in 1978, was dubbed in English.
In 1997, an armada of horned humanoid aliens known as Boazanians invade earth and launch their "beast fighters" all over the world. Their first humiliating defeat by Super Electromagnetic Machine, Voltes V brings the invaders to focus their attacks on Japan. Voltes V was designed by Dr. Kentaro Gō, his wife Dr. Mitsuyo Gō and their trusted colleague, Dr. Hamaguchi and built by large scale construction effort backed by United Nations Earth Defense Force and General Oka. Voltes V is piloted by Ken'ichi Gō; five "Volt Machines" that comprise the robot are piloted by Ken'ichi, Daijiro, Hiyoshi, Megumi Oka, and Ippei Mine respectively. Kenichi, Daijiro, and Hiyoshi are three sons of Kentaro and Mitsuyo Gō. Megumi Oka is the only daughter of General Oka. Ippei is an orphan cowboy with considerable talent drafted into service.
Voltes V's home base is Camp Big Falcon, a fortress situated on a bird-shaped island along the coast of Japan. Voltes V's enemy are the Boazanians namely Prince Heinell, his advisors Rui Kazarin, Jyangaru and Do Zuuru. The series focuses on the struggle against Boazan invaders, and Gō brothers' search for their long-lost father, Kentarō Gō. As the series progresses, three major characters, Dr. Mitsuyo Gō, Do Zuul, and Dr. Hamaguchi' dies. Zuul and Hamaguchi are replaced by characters Belgan and Dr. Sakunji. Later in the series, the brothers learn of their unique heritage of being half Boazanian. The characters deal with their identity's impact on their own lives and that on both their close friends and bitter enemies.
58 meters
600 tons
Flight Speed
Mach 20
Volt Cruiser (head), Volt Bomber (arms), Volt Panzer (torso), Volt Frigate (legs), Volt Lander (feet)
The Voltes Team
After the disappearance of Dr. Gō, the Earth International Defense Force trained five young people to be highly skilled Earth Defense Agents. Resolute and dedicated fighters, these agents act as both special commando units and pilots of the Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V, against the invading Boazanians.
(Note: Bold items in parentheses indicate character names in the Philippines' English- and Filipino-dubbed versions)
Ken'ichi Gō (Steve Armstrong) is the Voltes V team leader. He is a marksman, a Motocross champion, an ace pilot, and the eldest of the three Gō brothers. He was a very adventurous child, but the disappearance of his father changed him. He became more responsible, caring for his younger brothers as well as for the people who depended on him. He is the main protagonist. Voiced by Yukinaga Shiraishi in the original version of Voltes V.
Daijirō Gō ("Big Bert" Armstrong) is the defense tactician. He was once a playful child but Daijirō's outlook in life suddenly changed when his father disappeared. Alarmed by this change in his personality, Mrs. Gō sent him to live in the country where a martial arts master taught him different fighting styles and forms of meditation. Upon rejoining his brothers, Daijirō was already a master of different hand-to-hand fighting styles. The naginata (fighting staff) became his favorite weapon. Together with Ken'ichi and Hiyoshi, Daijirō started training as a member of the Voltes V Team. Unlike in the group portrait above his uniform was dark green, not brown. Voiced by Tesshou Genda in the original Voltes V.
Hiyoshi Gō ("Little John" Armstrong) is a genius in inventing automatons. He has been interested in learning mechanics, robotics, and electromagnetism since a very young age. He was considered a genius by many university professors. He even created a funny little octopus-robot called Tako-chan ("Octo-One" in the dubbed version). But to his big brothers, Ken'ichi and Daijirō, Hiyoshi will always be a little brother, a child who never felt the warmth and love of a real father. He also excels in swimming and diving. Because of his exceptional talents, Hiyoshi was asked to join the Voltes V Team as a technical handyman, specifically for repairs during field operations. Voiced by Noriko Ohara in the original Voltes V series.
Ippei Mine (Mark Gordon) is a rodeo champion. He was orphaned while still a young boy. His mother died trying to save him from a pack of wolves. After his mother's death, he grew bitter, aloof, but cool under crisis. He learned how to live in the streets and perform odd jobs. This kind of life strengthened his personality. Upon joining the rodeo, he learned to ride horses and how to use a whip. He found his greatest friend in a white stallion known as Aiful ("Alpha"). The two, man and beast, became inseparable. He won two rodeo championship contests with Aiful as his horse. Then one day, The Earth International Defense Force asked Ippeo to join the team. When he refused, he was taken forcibly, so for the first time, Ippei and Aiful where separated. Dr. Hamaguchi has Aiful brought to Big Falcon early in the series. Voiced by Kazuyuki Sogabe in the original Voltes V series.
Megumi Oka (Jamie Robinson) is a kunoichi (female ninja) and the 18th Heir of the Kōga-ryū ninja. Young, slim, and beautiful, Megumi received special training during her childhood. By the age of 13, she already possessed extraordinary skills and lightning reflexes. She also learned the gentle arts from her mother. Through her mother's guidance, Megumi became a person with a calm yet alert disposition. Joining the Voltes V Team, she was the voice of reason among the male members, especially whenever Ken'ichi and Ippei were about to clash during personal conflicts. Her cool demeanor and uncanny skills qualified Megumi as the fifth (and only female) member of the Voltes V team. Voiced by Miyuki Ueda, who also played as the voice of Chizuru Nanbara in Combattler V, as Erika in the Daimos series, and as Marie Antoinette in Rose of Versailles; the latter was another series which Nagahama, the creator of Voltes V, was one of the contributing directors.
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Episode 36 : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
Episode 38 : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
Episode 39 : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
Episode 40 : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
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